Ten Points on Love

A Valentine’s Day syllabus

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[A] love that might not save us at the end of the world but that might make it possible to live through. It may be hard to believe in. It will be harder to live. I hope we choose it anyway.

— Kai Cheng Thom, I Hope We Choose Love, 2019

Life is like that / you don’t know / and then it happens / Like a red heart.

— Elaine Kahn, Romance or the End, 2020

Creo que el mundo es bello, / que la poesía es como el pan, de todos. [I believe the world is beautiful / and that poetry, like bread, is for everyone.]

— Roque Dalton, Like You, 1935-1975

Happy valentine’s day family (。♥‿♥。) On this day we are choosing to celebrate love as abundant and changing, love as a verb, love as an ongoing communal project, love as political necessity, love as an energy that—definitionally—must keep flowing from person to person in order to exist. To be someone’s Valentine: a mutual arrangement, the container for a relationship that exists over the space of a day, the choice to expand that container forever.

Wherever this finds you, this note includes ten pieces on love paired with ten funds in need of our love right now—inspired by and in continuation to our mutual aid syllabus published in May <3

As you make your way through, enjoy this playlist we have made for you.

xx ATM